When We Met
Our story was set in motion when Gabriel and I met around seven years ago. We never imagined being where we are today, but God had so much in store for us and He has been revealing it to us piece by piece in HIS time. Five years ago God joined us together in marriage, marking one of the greatest blessings in our lives. After we began to settle as a family, we started preparing to be sent from our church to the place where God would call us.
Vision Trip
In November of 2008 we were seeking to go on a short term trip of about three months to a country and simply live life with other international workers. We were asked to pray about going to serve among the people of Sierra Leone, West Africa. In January 2009, Gabriel went on a vision trip to see if this was the place that God was calling us to serve. When Gabriel came back he knew Sierra Leone was the place that God was calling us to serve. God opened so many doors through our church, our family, and our friends, and even in Sierra Leone. We were then commissioned and sent by our church to serve among the people of Sierra Leone, West Africa, in April of 2009. Since that time, we have been faithfully serving Him through Dental/Medical Ministry as well as through Discipleship and Youth ministry.
Two Ordinary People
You see, we are just two ordinary people who desire to use our talents as a dentist and a nurse to serve Jesus wherever we are placed. God is no ordinary God but how awesome is it that He chooses to use ordinary people like you and me to live our lives in such a way that the Name of Jesus will be lifted up and shouted out among the nations?! God calls us as Christians to fulfill His Great Commission no matter where we live or what job we are doing. In Matthew 28:19 Jesus says, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spiritâ€.