Herrera Family Fall 2013
This is the month of Thanksgiving and we want to say a big thank you to all of our ministry partners. Your prayers and financial support matter! You have been and continue to be a blessing to our ministry and our family. We could not do it without you! We are thankful for you and your family.
Updates and such…

Alice & Augusta!
Our nurses, Alice and Augusta, are doing great. We get to talk to them every couple of weeks to check on them. They are working in a hospital dental clinic downtown and have each been taking patients and learning many new things. They said there are patients that still come to our clinic in the Hope Center to see if Dr. Herrera is back but when they hear he is not, they say they will wait for him.

Nurse Sada
Sada now has a job as a nurse in the metroplex. We have insurance and we are grateful how God is taking care of our family. Gabe is still having some back and left leg pain and he is getting prepared for back surgery coming up in the next month. (more to follow) Isaiah is gaining more and more language skills and we love watching him grow in so many different ways. He is working on colors, alphabet, and numbers. He likes to sing and it is so cute watching him. Lucas is slowly getting better. Nights are a bit of a battle for us, but we are thankful to see his face looking a little more normal and soft. Lucas is a little treasure and makes us smile.
Prayer Requests…

Isaiah & Lucas 2013
Please pray for Abdul. He is a young Fulani who is a leader in his church in a difficult area. In this area it is hard be a leader above reproach. There is a small group of believers whom he leads. Pray for wisdom and discernment as he leads and teaches. Pray that he will have the strength to not give up and to keep trusting our Father. This is a group where we use to come and spend time discipling them, life is not easy there but he always has a smile and he has a desire to make Him known among his neighbors and community. Pray for Abdul as the Wonderful Counselor teaches and guides him. Pray he will have insight and understanding as he studies The Word.
Pray for our family to have more restful nights. We are really struggling during the night to get sleep. Much of it is due to the fact that Lucas does not sleep more than about 2 hours at a time. Please pray that Lucas will not be so itchy and that we will figure out what exactly is causing his eczema. Pray for us as we prepare for Gabe’s surgery. Pray for Isaiah as he continues to learn, grow and communicate. Pray for Sada as she works. She has had some really long days. Pray for organization and good time management throughout the day. She usually has 6 patients.