Wow! What a crazy couple of months it has been for our family! God has been so good and provided in so many ways for our family and our ministry. We have been back in Arlington for about 2 weeks now and hit the ground running. Thank you all so much for all of your prayers. We wanted to share how God has been answering your prayers for our family and ministry.
- Our nurses (Alice and Augusta) have officially been recognized and received their Dental Nurse Practitioner Certificate!!! This was huge considering that it happened only a month after we returned to SL. Paperwork of this magnitude usually takes months, but all 4 of the nurses from SL have received their certificate to practice. They will still have to be supervised for the first year, but they are excited. Getting this certificate means so much to them and they have expressed their gratitude for this special opportunity to get extra training in the dental field.
- In addition to the certificates, God has provided a place for the nurses to work while we are stateside. He provided this opportunity through a dentist in downtown who is a good friend. He needed some help and this will give the Alice and Augusta some great learning experiences, especially because this is where they will see more surgery cases. They will be working full time alongside our friend. We could not be more in awe of God and how He has provided for our ministry. We are grateful that they will be taken care of while we are here.
- God has provided us a house here to live in while we are here stateside. It is perfect and as a bonus it has a HUGE backyard where Isaiah can run and play! We are still in the process of “settling”, but we are getting there little by little. We were notified about 3-5 days before leaving SL of this house. At this point we had to completely put everything in God’s hands, praying that He would provide in the right moment. This house is truly a blessing. We can even stay in it for the time that we will be here!!
- Praise God for his grace and mercy on our journey back here, because traveling with a needy 4month old and a 2 y/o is HARD work! We had a safe flight and even though Gabe and I did not sleep much at least the boys were able to sleep some. Isaiah even found a girl to play with, which helped immensely! It is hard to occupy a 2 y/o for 10 HOURS!!!
Continued Prayers :
- We are in the process of looking for jobs to support ourselves while we are here. Please pray that God would give us wisdom and direction as we decide what is best for our family. I (Sada) have been going to class to get some of my CPR and other re-certifications so that I could possibly take a part time job in the hospital which would provide good benefits.
- Pray for us as we seek God in what we should do about Gabe’s back. We had been told that he would need surgery. We are going for some second opinions and trying to see if there is any other therapy that would be effective to treat his condition. Please pray for Gabe and his pain level. Pray that God would lead us to the right medical person. Pray for us as we make some significant decisions regarding treatment.
- Pray for us as we continue to raise funds for our ministry. We are continuing to look for monthly support. We plan on being in SL for as long as God calls us to be there. In order for us to be able to go back and continue our ministry we need others to partner with us in our ministry. We want to use the time that we have on this side of the world to build relationships and ministry partners. Please pray for more people to join us.
Again we cannot thank you enough for your prayers. God hears them and answers them. Thank you for being faithful to pray for us. God has been faithful to us and has been our portion. We are not lacking because of His goodness. We are thankful to have a church and ministry partners who surround us and cover us as we minister to the hurting and unreached peoples of Sierra Leone. May we never forget that nothing is too d