We hosted our annual Youth Leadership Camp the last week of June. The camp is comprised of 30 youth from various churches across Sierra Leone who come and stay the week at the Hope Center. The youth that come are chosen by their pastors and are already leaders in their church and community seeking to learn more about God and leading with integrity. This year was titled “To Him Be The Gloryâ€.

Gabe Preaching
We had a team from the US come and lead the camp as well as some Sierra Leonean Team leaders. It is neat to watch Sierra Leoneans teach other Sierra Leoneans. They had different colored bandanas that represented a team. Preaching/Teaching sessions were held by various members of the team and one local pastor each day along with recreation (indoor/outdoor) times of worship, and family group time in which they were able to discuss the teaching and talk more in depth on the topic. We had some rainy days, but most of the time it was nice and HOT! They even had a chance to play soccer (futbol) in the rain, which the youth loved…as well as Gabe!

Rainy Day Game: Sitting Volleyball!
FBCA team did an awesome job with the preparation and execution of the camp. Lives have been touched and hearts have been changed. From one youth (our worship leader)…â€I don’t struggle with anger, but I do struggle with forgiveness. At this camp I really learned to forgive and not to hold on to things for a long time.†From another…The US team washed the feet of the youth reminding them of the servant hood of Jesus. This really impacted one of the youth and he stated, “just as they washed our feet, we should not forget this example of Jesus and we should try to be like Him and serve others the same wayâ€.

Youth playing soccer in the rain!